Jonny Caley
Hello. My name is Jonny. I am a developer going into my final year at Lougborough University. I made this website to encapsulate some of my skills and achievements throughout my experience and education.

Fidelity International
Technology Analyst
Coded in C# (Visual Studio) and hosed in the Azure cloud I developed a bot designed to resolve questions asked by employees.

For example:
  • "I need the phone number of Jonathan Caley's manager"
  • "Help me install Microsoft Teams"
  • "How many tickets does Jonathan have open?"
Questions were then analysed using Microsoft’s Language Understanding (LUIS) service to identify valuable information in the conversation and process an appropriate response.
Utilising Visual Studio and attending a hackathon at Microsoft I began my placement developing bots.
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Picking up where the previous developer left off I began developing Android applications. The project at focus at the time was TedX 2017, which was predominately coded in Kotlin.

It was during this time I recognised the advantages of architectural coding and being able to implement changes quickly with minimal concern regarding other parts of the application failing due to said changes.

Whilst implementing last minute requirements I communicated unattainable alterations to project managers due to time constraints and provided alternatives where possible.
TedX 2017
Post bot development I was assigned the role of lead Android developer for the project TedX 2017.
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All data was managed by myself using an MBaaS service. Event creators could export an event, through the application, onto their local C drive in the form of an excel spreadsheet to allow for further analysis at a later date.

Requirements, developments and deployments were tracked using Jira and tested by an external application tester before releases were made public. As a result, I attended weekly meetings with managers and testers to ensure development ran smoothly and to communicate any issues that occurred.
Events enabled users to view upcoming events within Fidelity. It was during this time I was introduced to Jira, a project management tool.
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A large portion of my time was devoted to the continual improvement and maintenance of our ticketing application, Toolbox.

I offered dynamic alternatives to otherwise strict business regimes, an example of which being an analytics page displaying support employee information for managers. Data that would originally have been presented in a typical list format was displayed throughout multiple coloured graphs.

I worked closely with the consumers of the application, obtaining crucial feedback from various users and their user-cases for the app.
Toolbox provided employees with complete support desk functionality on the go. I provided dynamic alternatives to otherwise strict regimes.
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The remainder of my time was spent proactively incorporating new libraries, SDK’s and architectural patterns (MVP/MVVM) into applications where necessary.

I developed an up-to-date working knowledge of the Android development space. Not only reading weekly newsletters, Medium articles and GitHub repositories but also incorporating them into various projects.

New technologies and ideas were communicated effectively. I encouraged the idea of clean architecture to management and developers, communicating its advantages and why it's worth the additional development time required.
I proactively incorporated new libraries, SDK’s and architectural programming into applications where necessary.
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Loughborough University
Computer Science BSc
Sliding Tile Puzzle
I developed a breadth-first-search algorithm designed to solve the sliding tile puzzle.
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My first Android application recommended a variety of meals based off of ingredients the user owns. I achieved 100% in this coursework.
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Arduino board
A programme using an Arduino board interface to display current time, and alarm and snoozing functionality.
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My final year project at university will be comprises of 2 parts, a cryptocurrency Android application and a currency price predictor.
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